
On September 15th 1922, a young Jesuit, Father S. Bednarski, enrolled at the Jagiellonian University, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, with specialization in modern history, history of culture and history of art. One of his college professors was a well-known historian, Prof. Stanisław Kot. The Jesuit and Prof. S. Kot shared historical interests and ties of friendship. Prof. S. Kot became the mentor and professor adviser of the Jesuit’s doctoral dissertation, Collapse and rebirth of Jesuit schools in Poland (Kraków, 1933), which on June 15th1934 was awarded a prize by the PAU General Assembly and was considered the best historical work in 1933. During his research in archives and libraries in Poland and abroad, the Jesuit had in mind not only his own plans but also his mentor’s interests. The student was loyal to his mentor, who was associated with the anti-Piłsudski faction and politically engaged in activities of the Polish Peasant Party. For this reason, Prof. S. Kot did not enjoy the trust of the state authorities. In 1933, as a result of Jędrzejewicz reform, the Chair of Cultural History headed by him was abolished. Fr. S. Bednarski bravely stood in its defence. The friendship of the mentor and student’s ended in World War II. Prof. S. Kot survived the War and emigrated, where he remained active in politics, while his student died on July 16, 1942 in the German Nazi concentration camp in Dachau near Munich.

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