
Dhanvantari Taila is an Ayurvedic Herbal Oil prepared from the drugs Balamoola, Dasamoola, Yava, Devadaru, Manjista, Chandana , Sariba, Shilajit, Vacha, Agaru, Punarnava, As wagandha, Satavari, Yasti, Triphala, Tila Taila and Cow milk etc. The drugs of Dhanvantari Taila are indicated in all vatarogas in various classical Ayurvedic Literatures . This drug act s like Lekhana, Brimhana, Srotoavarodha, Vedanastapana, Sothahara, Vran aropana etc. Based on these properties , oil was prepared with this group of drugs using Tila Taila as base. This Dhanvantari Taila was selecte d to study through Uttaravasthi , into uterine cavity on infertility patients including tubal block, Anovulation an d Gynecological problems. Before conducting the clinical trails this oil was subjected to certain chemical studies to find out the iodine va lue, Saponification value, acid value, total fat, weight for ml and HPTLC finger printing for standardization of th e drug.

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