
The latest edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) is the second supplement to the 17th edition containing 324 herbal medicines, of which 176 are crude drugs and 35 are Kampo extracts. Although 148 prescription Kampo extracts are covered by national health insurance, only 35 are listed in the latest JP. However, the sales volume of these 35 Kampo extracts accounts for more than 70% of the total sales volume of Kampo products, as Kampo formulas with higher sales volumes are preferentially listed in the JP. The JP officially defines the origin and description of the listed crude drugs and Kampo extracts and elaborates on their limited values and testing methods. As crude drugs and Kampo extracts are derived from natural products and have the characteristics of traditional medicines, some degree of variation has been experienced during their long-term use, which is one of the crucial differences from chemical drugs. The Japanese Pharmacopoeia Committee on Crude Drugs promotes standardization of the JP by reflecting the actual Japanese market situation. This review explains the characteristics of natural and traditional medicines in crude drug-related items, the JP drafting process and points to be noted, and the significance of listing in the JP.

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