
Broadband UV measurements are evaluated when UV-A irradiance meters measure optical radiation from 365 nm UV sources. The CIE standardized rectangular-shape UV-A function can be realized only with large spectral mismatch errors. The spectral power-distribution of the 365 nm excitation source is not standardized. Accordingly, the readings made with different types of UV meters, even if they measure the same UV source, can be very different. Available UV detectors and UV meters were measured and evaluated for spectral responsivity. The spectral product of the source-distribution and the meter’s spectral-responsivity were calculated for different combinations to estimate broad-band signal-measurement errors. Standardization of both the UV source-distribution and the meter spectral-responsivity is recommended here to perform uniform broad-band measurements with low uncertainty. It is shown what spectral responsivity function(s) is needed for new and existing UV irradiance meters to perform low-uncertainty broadband 365 nm measurements.

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