
Nootropics are groups of medicines which are known to act as memory enhancers. There is a growing need for such medicines from alternate systems of medicine to prevent or delay memory loss and related disorders. Classical textbooks in Ayurveda describe a group called as Medhya Rasayana, which act as neuro-nutrients. Chathushkuvalaya Rasayana is one such ghee preparation mentioned in Ashtangahrdaya. In it, Kuvalaya, botanically identified in Kerala as Monochoria vaginalis Presl. is the only herbal ingredient. Though Kuvalaya has been considered widely as a memory enhancer, there is scarce published literature regarding standardisation aspects of Kuvalaya ghrta. In this work, we have phytochemically standardized the ingredients of Kuvalayaghrta including its Atomic Absorption spectroscopy, Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) profiling followed by the preparation of the ghrta(ghee) according to the standard procedure mentioned in Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Kuvalayaghrta was also standardised physicochemically and was found to be safe for internal administration. All the observations obtained in this study can be used for future reference.

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