
Vietnam experienced significant alterations of forest environments during the last half of the twentieth century, and reforestation efforts have increased since the 1990s. This study developed comparisons of naturally regenerated and plantation forestlands in northern Vietnam in order to gain a better understanding of reforestation options for the dual objectives of biodiversity and commercial tree production. Stand structure of secondary natural forest after logging and shifting cultivation were investigated at two study sites (Hoa Binh Province and Phu Tho Province). Natural regeneration of seedlings between the secondary natural forests and nearby mixed species plantations were measured and compared. The dominant tree species consisted of Aporosa villosa, Ficus racemosa, Machilus bonii and Vernicia montan at the Hoa Binh site and Cinnamomum parthenoxylum, Ormosia balabsae and Lithocarpus gigantophyllus at the Phu Tho site, which are mostly pioneer species. The secondary natural forests had higher abundance and diversity indices of seedlings than the mixed species plantations. Soil fertility of the secondary natural forests was better than that of the mixed species plantations (P < 0.05). An important finding is that, for the study sites examined, secondary natural forest resulted in more diverse and better-stocked forests than plantation forestry, implying that in areas where reforestation is undertaken the silvicultural potential of natural regeneration should not be underestimated.

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