
In the recent years landscaping and attempts to increase green areas in Istanbul, a metropolis with a population of 15 million inhabitants, increased by the growing efforts of municipalities. Also, in the recent years, a tulip festival is celebrated every April and the city streets, parks, green areas are decorated with different colored tulips in order to create breathtaking sceneries for the inhabitants and visitors of Istanbul. Similar to the tulip fest, every year on April one of the world’s largest flowerbeds is prepared on the touristic Sultanahmet Square. Besides these, in an attempt to create new and beautiful green areas and vertical gardens, disconnected and improper landscaped areas can be found near underpasses and highways. On one hand greening and landscaping efforts are increasing in Istanbul by the day; on the other hand, major gathering spots for the citizens of Istanbul, such as the Taksim Square, lack the same efforts are turned into ugly concrete lots. It is also gravely conflicting that there is not a single tree on the touristic Istiklal Avenue. Although, major streets and highways all around the city are decorated with flowers and vertical gardens, inhabitants do wonder what else could been achieved with all the money spent towards landscaping. The increasing number of flowers and greenery in parks, gardens, and green areas, not only improve the city in an architectural sense and allow this overpopulated and traffic plagued city to breathe a little, but also offer its inhabitants new places to socialize and recreate. In this study, surveys will be conducted on the landscaping work done in different parts of Istanbul and the results will be evaluated.

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