
The sustainability of activities related to animal genetic resources (AnGR) management depends largely on the participation of a range of stakeholders, both public and private. In this study, we investigated factors explaining differences in stakeholder involvement in AnGR management across countries, based on an historical perspective and an analysis of the 128 official country reports provided during preparation of The Second Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Results of principal component analyses indicated that countries differed in the involvement of stakeholders in AnGR management, generally with greater involvement of livestock breeders and their organizations in developed countries. Developing countries tended to be divided into two groups, those with little involvement by stakeholders and those with high involvement by government/research organizations. Depending on the country, the involvement of government/research organizations versus breeders/livestock keepers organizations and commercial companies also differed, which could be linked to some extent to their historical background. The level of involvement of breeders ‘associations or cooperatives was positively correlated (r=0.68) to the general extent of AnGR activities within the country. Our results underline the importance of involving breeders and livestock keepers in the development of management activities, while public support is required as well, especially in the early stages of capacity development. In developing countries, development policies relative to AnGR management should therefore seek to promote coordination among livestock keepers through creation and empowerment of cooperatives, associations or community-based approaches.

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