
The recent Reports on the bovine genome in the 24 April issue (“The genome sequence of taurine cattle: A window to ruminant biology and evolution,” The Bovine Sequencing and Analysis Consortium et al. , p. [522][1], and “Genome-wide survey of SNP variation uncovers the genetic structure of cattle breeds,” The Bovine HapMap Consortium, p. [528][2]) highlight the enormous potential of genomics to increase the understanding of genetic variation of livestock and to provide benefits for well-planned utilization of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. Genomic selection ([ 1 ][3]) is already being applied to commercial livestock populations and is expected to increase selection response and decrease the costs of phenotyping relative to conventional approaches. The opportunities of genomics may be even greater for local breeds, in developing countries, assuming that complementary animal identification and recording can be established. Genetic variation is greater than in commercial breeds and projected increases in demand for animal products are much larger in developing than developed countries ([ 2 ][4]). Unfortunately, genomics also presents risks for the sustainable management of animal genetic resources in these countries. Historically, genetic improvement in productivity has commonly been achieved by importation of germplasm and cross-breeding, rendering within-breed improvement less attractive. Increases in productivity have been limited, however, by the poor adaptation of imported breeds to vastly different, and generally harsher, production environments than those in which they were selected. Increasingly precise selection in the same favorable environments is unlikely to overcome this limitation and may even decrease genetic diversity and adaptability. The maximum utility of livestock genomics can only be achieved with research, including collection of phenotypes and genotypes, on developing country breeds (and crossbreeds) in their natural environment. The Bovine HapMap analysis, which included two African and several Bos indicus breeds, is an encouraging start, but must be followed through with continued academic and financial investment. 1. [↵][5] 1. T. H. Meuwissen, 2. B. J. Hayes, 3. M. E. Goddard , Genetics 157, 1819 (2001). [OpenUrl][6][Abstract/FREE Full Text][7] 2. [↵][8] 1. B. Rischkowsky, 2. D. Pilling FAO, The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, B. Rischkowsky, D. Pilling, Eds. (FAO, Rome, 2007). [1]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.1169588 [2]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.1167936 [3]: #ref-1 [4]: #ref-2 [5]: #xref-ref-1-1 View reference 1 in text [6]: {openurl}?query=rft.jtitle%253DGenetics%26rft.stitle%253DGenetics%26rft.issn%253D0016-6731%26rft.aulast%253DMeuwissen%26rft.auinit1%253DT.%2BH.%2BE.%26rft.volume%253D157%26rft.issue%253D4%26rft.spage%253D1819%26rft.epage%253D1829%26rft.atitle%253DPrediction%2Bof%2BTotal%2BGenetic%2BValue%2BUsing%2BGenome-Wide%2BDense%2BMarker%2BMaps%26rft_id%253Dinfo%253Apmid%252F11290733%26rft.genre%253Darticle%26rft_val_fmt%253Dinfo%253Aofi%252Ffmt%253Akev%253Amtx%253Ajournal%26ctx_ver%253DZ39.88-2004%26url_ver%253DZ39.88-2004%26url_ctx_fmt%253Dinfo%253Aofi%252Ffmt%253Akev%253Amtx%253Actx [7]: /lookup/ijlink/YTozOntzOjQ6InBhdGgiO3M6MTQ6Ii9sb29rdXAvaWpsaW5rIjtzOjU6InF1ZXJ5IjthOjQ6e3M6ODoibGlua1R5cGUiO3M6NDoiQUJTVCI7czoxMToiam91cm5hbENvZGUiO3M6ODoiZ2VuZXRpY3MiO3M6NToicmVzaWQiO3M6MTA6IjE1Ny80LzE4MTkiO3M6NDoiYXRvbSI7czoyNToiL3NjaS8zMjQvNTkzNC8xNTE1LjIuYXRvbSI7fXM6ODoiZnJhZ21lbnQiO3M6MDoiIjt9 [8]: #xref-ref-2-1 View reference 2 in text

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