
AbstractDidynamous stamens are separated into two pairs of different length, and the implication of this arrangement has not been well understood. The functional advantages of didynamous stamens were investigated in Brandisia hancei. Change of stamens during floral aging was recorded; the quantity, viability, and siring ability of pollen grains were tested; the anther arrangement was manipulated into four types based on stamen category and number, and fruit set and number of seeds per fruit were measured. Didynamous stamens exhibited staggered anther arrangement, and pollen sacs dehisced gradually. There was no difference for quantity, viability, and siring ability of pollen grains between the two pairs of anthers. Seed production after the removal of one long and one short stamen was higher than that of two long or two short stamens. Through prolonging pollen presentation and promoting delayed self‐pollination, staggered arrangement and sequential dehiscence of anthers in didynamous stamens facilitate reproductive fitness of B. hancei.

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