Game theory has found an extensive application in wireless communication networks including cognitive radio networks, heterogeneous cellular networks, cooperative relay networks. Also, cognitive radio networks, green communications and heterogeneous cellular networks have attracted a wide attention on improve the spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency; therefore, the capacity, the coverage and the energy consumption. However, interference problem and energy consumption are critical for these networks. Introducing hierarchy among different decision-making players in cognitive, heterogeneous, green, cooperative cellular networks can both save energy and mitigate interference, thus enhance throughput. Stackelberg game suits to model, analyze and design the distributed algorithms in these hierarchical decision-making networking scenarios. In this chapter, we introduce basics of Stackelberg game and survey the extensive applications of Stackelberg game in cognitive, heterogeneous, cooperative cellular networks with the emphasis on resource management, green commutations design and interference management. This chapter highlights the potentials and applications with the promising vision of Stackelberg game theoretic framework for future cognitive green heterogeneous cellular networks.
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