
The benefits gained by improved red blood cells (RBCs) component quality should more than justify any real or perceived inconvenience to the blood services in implementing adjustments to their processing procedures or additional processing costs of the introduction of new generation RBCs additive solutions. In our recent studies that have been published, it has been shown that physiologic solution NaCl which previously was processed by magnetite of nanoparticles (ICNB) and added to the preserved of the RBCs had a marked membrane-stabilizing effect, inhibits hemolysis and increasing the sedimentation stability of preserved RBCs. In General, these effects provide the sustainability of the functional activity of preserved RBCs in during storage. However, comprehensive analysis of the above data revealed only the primary mechanisms of the effect modernized of the saline solution on the preserved RBCs. Taking this into account, it was decided to conduct an in-depth study of changes in the structure of erythrocyte membranes at the level of molecular bonds during their storage. Objects of research were red blood cells (RBCs) into bags containing preservative CPD and RBCs into bags containing preservative CPDA-1. As membrane protective used saline which had previously been treated with magnetite nanoparticles (ICNB) by the Belousov’s method. The physiological solution that was treated with nanoparticles was added to the preserved RBCs according to the developed method. Sample of control was the addition of intact saline. Analysis of changes occurring in the IR spectra of control and test samples in different variants of preservative media showed that in the test where nanotechnology was used were significant inhibit the process of destruction of the erythrocyte membrane structure in suspensions. The process of destruction of the membrane structure of red blood cells occurs on seven days later than in the control. In addition, in the test in the CPDA-1 medium in comparison with control there is no complete destruction of the structure of lipids and proteins that are part of RBCs. In general, the results clearly showed that the presented method of application of nanotechnology significantly increases the storage time of RBCs in different versions of preservatives due to mechanisms to reduce violations of the molecular structure of proteins and lipids in the erythrocyte membranes. Presented method of application of nanotechnology is not only safe for use in practice in the Blood Service, Transfusiology and Hematology, but also is the most promising innovation project. In general, the results clearly showed that the presented method of application of nanotechnology significantly increases the storage time of RBCs in different versions of preservatives due to mechanisms to reduce violations of the molecular structure of proteins and lipids in the erythrocyte membranes. Presented method of application of nanotechnology is not only safe for use in practice in the Blood Service, Transfusiology and Hematology, but also is the most promising innovation project. Key words: Nanotechnology; Preserved Red Blood Cells (RBCs); Magnetite Nanoparticles (ICNB); Method of Infrared Spectroscopy (IR); Molecular Structure; Storage Time of RBCs;

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