
Safety of operating conditions is the paramount objective in any mine design, planning, construction and performance. In the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the emphasis is laid on the integrated and efficient protection of surface and underground mines from groundwater inflows. Stoilensky iron ore field hydrogeologically adjoins the northeast of Dnepr–Donets artesian basin which is contiguous to the southwest slope of Voronezh crystalline massif. The field mostly occurs in the zone of damaged groundwater dynamics under the impact of drainage facilities at opencasts of Lebedinsky and Stoilensky GOKs (Mining and Processing Plants) and at Gubkin Mine, hydraulic fills and tailings ponds of operating processing factories, and Stary Oskol water storage basin. The adversities of groundwater catchment inside sand pit wall rock mass are analyzed. The capabilities of a pit wall drainage system in stabilization of sand permeability are discussed. The experience gained in design and construction of a local drainage system based on Ranney-type well within the limits of Novaya station of an operating opencast is summarized.

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