
A dairy industry is the large scale food production industries playing an important role in causing environmental pollution. Solid waste is a serious threat to environmental hazards through its liquid and solid waste generation. Hence, it is needed to handle such waste by enhancing new cleaner technologies by recycling the waste and generate safe environment using organic fertilizer to soil. Dairy industry waste is dumped in landfill which has disadvantage of being expensive occupying more open area resulting in alteration of ground water and soil profile quality. The wastewater generated by dairy industry is categorized as raw waste. The activated sludge is treated during analysis of various parameters under the consideration. Thus, the objective of the present study is to analyze physico-chemical and phyto-chemical parameters of combination and Spinacia oleracea plant after treating with the Dairy waste and mix leaf litter waste. Current research study, revels that various concentration of dairy waste and leaf litter combination can turn into good quality compost for ecofriendly crop cultivation. In the present study, Dairy waste + Leaf waste 25 % (T3) and Dairy waste + Leaf waste 75 % (T5) combination was good compost and it is a viable organic waste management. It has a potential to enhance proper waste management system, while promoting cultivation of vegetable for food precautions. The application of this organic amendment could promote and improve agro-ecosystem and also helpful for minimization of dairy waste.

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