
Commercial fish oils (soft gel) have been widely traded in Indonesia, especially in East Java.The aimof this research was to determine the quality and stability of fish oils (soft gel) in East Java examined bySchaal oven method and to determine the amount of fatty acids in the commercial fish oil. The stabilityof the commercial fish oil was determined based on peroxide value, anisidine value, and total oxidationafter the oils were stored at 40oC for 6 days. The experimental design used in this research was completelyRandomized Design (CRD) with a treatment time of storage (H-0, H-2, H-4 and H-6). The quality of thecommercial fish oils was in accordance with IFOS on the parameters of the FFA, peroxide value, anisidin,and the total oxidation.The stability test results showed the fish oil quality decreased over time and onlyanisidine value was still met the IFOS standards. Sample S4 was found containing the highest amount ofomega 3 ada EPA, while S3 contained the highest amount of DHA.


  • Commercial fish oils have been widely traded in Indonesia, especially in East Java.The aim of this research was to determine the quality and stability of fish oils in East Java examined by Schaal oven method and to determine the amount of fatty acids in the commercial fish oil

  • The stability of the commercial fish oil was determined based on peroxide value, anisidine value, and total oxidation after the oils were stored at 40oC for 6 days

  • The experimental design used in this research was completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a treatment time of storage (H-0, H-2, H-4 and H-6)

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Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel minyak ikan yang berasal dari berbagai apotek di wilayah Jawa Timur, yaitu Surabaya, Blitar, Kediri dan Tulung Agung. Minyak ikan tersebut berasal dari negara Amerika Serikat dan China. Bahan kimia untuk uji pereaksi peroksida (asam asetat glasial (CH3COOH) (Merck KGAa, 64271 Darmstadt), kloroform, KI jenuh (Merck KGAa, 64271 Darmstadt), Natriumthiosulfat (Na2S2O3) 0.1 N (Merck KGAa, 64271 Darmstadt), akuades, indikator pati 1% (Merck KGAa, 64271 Darmstadt)), pereaksi anisidin (isooktan (Merck KGAa, 64271 Darmstadt), p-anisidin), pereaksi Gas Chromatography (BF3, metanol, NaOH (Merck), N2, NaCl jenuh, Na2SO4 anhidrat, standar SupelcoTM37 component fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) Mix dan isooktan, pereaksi FFA (alkohol, indikator PP (Merck), KOH 0,1 N). Alat yang digunakan adalah penangas air, corong, erlenmeyer, gunting, tabung reaksi, sudip, wadah, botol plastik kecil, batang pengaduk, pipet volumetrik, pipet tetes, buret, bulb, timbangan digital (Chq, Taiwan), rak tabung reaksi, alumunium foil, mikro pipet, kompor listrik, gelas ukur, Gas Chromatography (SHIMADZU Jepang Model GC 2010), spektrofotometri UV (Pharmaspec 1700) dan kamera untuk dokumentasi

Metode Penelitian
Analisis asam lemak bebas
Analisis bilangan peroksida
Analisis bilangan anisidin
Analisis profil asam lemak
Asam Lemak Bebas Minyak Ikan
Fish oil
Bilangan Peroksida Minyak Ikan
Bilangan Anisidin Minyak Ikan
Total Oksidasi Minyak Ikan
Stabilitas Minyak Ikan
Anisidine Total oxidation
Profil Asam Lemak Minyak Ikan
Fatty acid
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