
The Second International Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism (SRCD) Workshop was held in Beijing, China, from April 7–9, 2009. It was opened by a welcome address from Professor Xiaoming Jiang, Deputy Director of the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), and Professor Ding Chang Xian of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) and IHEP, who described the BSRF and the importance of SRCD as a research program in China. The meeting's organizer, Dr. Ye Tao (BSRF), welcomed SRCD scientists from China, the UK, Japan, Taiwan, France, Australia, and Russia. Professor Bonnie Ann Wallace (University of London), co-organizer of SRCD2009 and organizer of the First International SRCD Workshop that took place at the SRS Daresbury in 2001, then discussed the history of SRCD, showing examples of how spectra had improved over the years from the pioneering beamline created by Professor John Sutherland at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) to the present day. She noted that, at the time of the First Workshop, there were only three active beamlines (at the NSLS, Daresbury, and Institute for Storage Rings (ISA, Denmark)), with several others in commissioning or planning phases, but that now there were 10 active SRCDs with a number of others in commissioning or planning phases worldwide.

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