
Squared prime numbers


  • Abstract; The prime numbers are the building numbers of the number series. They are dividable only with themselves and 1. These prime numbers build all numbers in the number series

  • The prime numbers occur quite close in the number series even if they eventually slightly thin

  • Though, proved 300th BC that there is an infinite number of primes

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Methods giving all prime numbers endless

Abstract; The prime numbers are the building numbers of the number series. They are dividable only with themselves and 1. It should be emphasized that the right vertical line, starting with the origin prime (7 in this case) does not participate in the investigation more than filling up the square with prime numbers. You may even add a reflection inside the center line and get this result This explains, among other things, why every circumference in the colored example above (origin square 17) is evenly divisible with 172. The composite number (after the 5-division) starting with, or containing, the prime number 7 starts with 7 squared, that is 5×72 In this way you get the exact position in the 5-series where the 7-s start, and this goes for all the following primes. Analyzing these squares, you leave out the right vertical line, representing only the origin prime number. Irrespective of what kind of constellation you activate this is what you find: My Conjecture 1 is that this applies to every prime square without end

A formula giving all prime numbers endless
A method giving all prime numbers endless
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