
Tritiated fucose, when injected into the eye of the rat, is incorporated into glycoprotein and transported by axoplasmic flow to regions of the brain which receive retinal projections. After injection of this substance into the remaining eye of albino rats unilaterally enucleated 3 to 4 months previously, label can be observed over the medial terminal nucleus on sides ipsilateral as well as contralateral to the injected eye. In these preparations, no label could be seen over the dorsal terminal nucleus or the latral terminal nucleus of the ipsilateral side. In unenucleated rats unilaterally injected intraocularly with fucose, the presence of silver grains over the medial terminal nucleus of the ipsilateral side was not observed. These results support the existence of an ipsilateral projection into the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system and provide additional evidence that retinal fibers of the adult rat are capable of sprouting in response to denervation.

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