
The effect of the extract Anemone coronaria and Isoflurane on the transport stress of broiler chickens transported during different seasons of the year was tested, The field experiment was conducted throughout the different seasons of the year during the months of February, March, July, August and with different densities in the transport cage. where the birds of type 308 ROSS were divided by 10 treatments for each transfer and three replicates for each treatment. And as follows, T1 control without spraying and 10 birds per cage. T2 control without spraying and the number of birds 12 in the cage. T3 Spraying the birds with an extract of local Anemone coronaria flowers at a concentration of 2% and the number of birds is 10 in the cage. T4 Spraying the birds with an extract of local Anemone coronaria flowers at a concentration of 4% and the number of birds 10 in the cage. T5 Spraying the birds with an extract of local Anemone coronaria flowers at a concentration of 6% and the number of birds 10 in the cage. T6 Spraying the birds with an extract of local Anemone coronaria flowers at a concentration of 2%. The number of birds is 12 in the cage. T7 Spraying the birds with an extract of local Anemone coronaria flowers at a concentration of 4%. The number of birds is 12 in the cage. T8 Spraying the birds with an extract of local Anemone coronaria flowers at a concentration of 6% and the number of birds is 12 in the cage. T9 Spraying birds with isoflurane at a concentration of 6%, the number of birds is 10 per cage. T10 Spraying birds with isoflurane at a concentration of 6%. The number of birds is 12 per cage ,The birds were sprayed for 5 minutes before the transfer process, according to the above treatments, and the duration of one transfer was 240 minutes ± 10 minutes,while these transactions led to a highly significant decrease (p>0.01) in the general rate of heterophile, as it recorded (34.79, 35.20 , 36.03%), respectively, compared with the two control treatments (38.62, 38.87) and in the heterophile/lymphocide ratio, as T9, T10, T5 recorded (0.66, 0.67, 0.69) compared with T1, T2 (0.78, 0.79), as well as a highly significant decrease in glucose (p>0.01), as T9, T10, and T5 were recorded (198.82, 200.64, 205.83) compared to T1, T2 (226.71, 229.24). A highly significant (p>0.01) superiority was observed in lymphocytes, as T9, T10, and T5 were recorded. (52.79, 52.56, 52.24) compared to T1 and T2 (49.08, 48.64)%, respectively. As for hemoglobin, T9, T10, T5 (9.42, 9.39, 9.02) gm/100 ml were superior to T1, T2 (8.99, 8.96) gm/100 ml. As well as a significant superiority in the percentage of packed volume cells, as it recorded T9, T10, T5 (34.15, 34.04, 33.06) compared with T1, T2 (30.96, 29.59)%, respectively.Also, there is a crease in the total protein concentration (2.71, 2.62, 2.50, ) g/dl compared with T1 and T2 (2.06, 2.00) g/dl, respectively. It is noted from this experiment that the treatments of isoflurane and Anemone coronaria extract led to a reduction in the stress that affects birds during transport operations, and thus was reflected in the improvement of the productive performance and health of the transported birds.

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