
Investigative journalism is one of the first branches that come to mind when it comes to journalism. The first thing that comes to mind in individuals who do not have in-depth knowledge of the journalism profession is often the characteristics of investigative journalism. This profession, which is carried out by journalists who are curious, do not give up, read constantly and doubt, has good examples despite losing its value today. Investigative journalists seem to live in a fantasy world today, but they make the journalism profession valuable. Investigator, also known as investigative journalism, which has many examples both in our country and in the world, is also the subject of cinema. Undoubtedly, the best example of this is Spotlight, which received six oscara nominations from the 88th Academy Awards for Best Film and Best Original Screenplay. Perhaps what made Spotlight so successful was that it was written and shot based on a true story. The script was written at a level that celebrates investigative journalism, the actors worked for the role, and the director literally shed light on the characters in every scene of the film. The audience, who begins to wonder, question and doubt from the very first moments of the film, learns the features of investigative journalism by experiencing them. The film literally gives the audience an investigative journalist identity. This study examines investigative journalism, in which the principle of public interest is focused on as a fundamental principle, through Spotlight film. The method of reception is used in the study, which is evaluated in terms of both the narrative structure of the film and the actors. Spotlight is shown to a total of 20 people, 10 girls and 10 boys, who are students of the Journalism Department of Gumushane University's Faculty of Communication, and then questions are asked within the framework of the principle of investigative journalism and public interest in the context of the film. The subjects who explain their ideas about investigative journalism through the Spotlight film provide important data for the study. It has been determined that they make sense of the concept of investigative journalism and public interest as in the literature, and try to look at the chapter they read from a different perspective thanks to the film.

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