
The article analyzes mass sports events held in Bukovina for children evacuated from the war zone. Since the start of the full-scale invasion by Russia, more than 7.7 million Ukrainians have become internally displaced persons. They were forced to leave their place of permanent residence, and are currently receiving assistance. The western region of Ukraine, since the very beginning of the war, has been hospitably receiving immigrants, who are trying to provide them with attention and comfort, and involve children not only in school classes, but also in sports. Federations of various sports and various sports clubs extended a helping hand to displaced children in Bukovina at such a difficult time. Chernivtsi communal institutions of children's and youth sports schools have resumed their educational and training work, where migrant children can practice free of charge in eight children's and youth sports schools in the city of Chernivtsi and the region. The Department of Youth and Sports of Chernivtsi VRA, together with the Bukovyna police officers, organized a sports festival for children evacuated from the war zone. The police officers introduced the small migrants to the specifics of their work, demonstrated the official vehicle, uniform attributes and told how they take care of people's safety and peace. The law enforcement officers also explained to the children what risks may be waiting for them in everyday life and how to avoid danger. The little boy looked at the special police vehicles, the car with interest, willingly tried on the equipment and took pictures with the guests in uniform.

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