
The preparticipation screening (PPE) of children and adolescents is basically not different in structure from the SPU for adult athletes. However, there are some special features that will be briefly described in this article. First of all, we are dealing with growing athletes. In sports, it is essential to monitor growth and detect growth abnormalities early using the percentile curves. It is also important to identify pubertal delays, as these “late developers” may be at a disadvantage in sports. Together with the medical history, the percentile curves can also provide clues to a RED-S, if applicable. Paediatric normative values must be considered when interpreting ECGs and laboratory results. Adolescents in particular like to be influenced by trendy dietary recommendations. Appropriate advice should be given, including information on supplements and the dangers of doping. Another new goal is to integrate the topic of safeguarding into the SPU.

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