
Extended scalar-tensor Gauss-Bonnet (ESTGB) gravity has been recently argued to exhibit spontaneous scalarization of vacuum black holes (BHs). A similar phenomenon can be expected in a larger class of models, which includes, e.g., Einstein-Maxwell scalar (EMS) models, where spontaneous scalarization of electrovacuum BHs should occur. EMS models have no higher curvature corrections, a technical simplification over ESTGB models that allows us to investigate, fully nonlinearly, BH scalarization in two novel directions. First, numerical simulations in spherical symmetry show, dynamically, that Reissner-Nordström (RN) BHs evolve into a perturbatively stable scalarized BH. Second, we compute the nonspherical sector of static scalarized BH solutions bifurcating from the RN BH trunk. Scalarized BHs form an infinite (countable) number of branches and possess a large freedom in their multipole structure. Unlike the case of electrovacuum, the EMS model admits static, asymptotically flat, regular on and outside the horizon BHs without spherical symmetry and even without any spatial isometries, which are thermodynamically preferred over the electrovacuum state. We speculate on a possible dynamical role of these nonspherical scalarized BHs.

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