
While spontaneous resolution of idiopathic macular holes is well documented for early macular holes, spontaneous closure of full-thickness macular holes has been less frequently reported. We followed a case of an idiopathic full-thickness stage III macular hole and its course of spontaneous closure using optical coherence tomography (OCT 3, Carl Zeiss Meditec, CA) over a 2-year period. OCT scans demonstrated evidence of spontaneous closure of the macular hole over the 2-year follow-up period. Bridging of glial tissue over the macular hole area appeared to occur first with successive scans showing a decrease in the size of the hole. To our knowledge, this is the longest follow-up with OCT in a case of spontaneous resolution of macular holes that has been reported. Recognition of the likelihood of spontaneous closure of macular holes has important clinical values. The advent of OCT technology has provided significant capabilities in the diagnosis and monitoring of macular holes; it has also contributed to the greater understanding of the potential mechanisms involved in spontaneous macular hole closure.

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