
The article is devoted to analysis and generalization of spiritual and patriotic education of the young generation with the help of means of folk artistic culture. The appeal to the popular traditions and customs of his country contributes to the formation of love for his Fatherland and a sense of duty to the Motherland. The relevance of the work is due to the appeal of the Government of Russia to the issue of patriotic education of young people, as well as the interest of researchers to the problem under consideration. The author allocates funds and methods of addressing popular culture in high school lessons, as well as in classes with student youth. The author concludes that the means of folk artistic culture contribute to the growth of conscious citizens, patriots of their country.With the help of folk art culture, it is possible to transfer the accumulated social and cultural experience to the younger generation, accumulate and broadcast folk traditions and customs, ensuring a close relationship between the past and the future of your country. However, it should be noted that the younger generation is not fully familiar with the customs and traditions of their people. The article reveals the importance of attracting the younger generation to the celebration of Folk Orthodox holidays, contributes to the enrichment and preservation of historical memory, the formation of religious, cultural and moral and ethical foundations of folk art culture.

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