The purpose of the article is to reveal the concept of the revival and preservation of historical memory in the creative heritage of Professor M. P. Kovalskyi. Research methods: historical-genetic, historical-system and historical-biographical; complex and personalistic approaches. Sources: a series of archival documents of personal origin, published sources of epistolary and memoir character, the latest historiography. The main results. In the analytical article the regularities of the choice of young scientists in the field of scientific research are highlighted. The peculiarities of the study of the scientist-historian of the source-related problems of the period of transition from the late Middle Ages to the early Modern (ХVІ – the first half of the ХVІІ century) are studied in an atmosphere of the Soviet reality of the 70ʼs and 80ʼs of the 20th century; is accentuated on the great heuristic activity of the scientist; shows his specific contribution to the study of this historical epoch. It is argued that one can speak about the complexity of M. Kovalskyiʼs approach to the development of a source base as a documentary basis for the revival of historical memory. It was proved that the part of the process of renaissance and preservation of historical memory by Professor M. P. Kovalskyi was his work in the development of Ukrainian archeography. The afore mentioned process was traced in the creative heritage of the professor not only in the national, but also in the regional and historical lore contexts. It is highlighted that in the process of revival and preservation of historical memory M. P. Kovalskyi significantly expanded the subject field of research, boldly engaging in the innovative scientific themes of his students. The attention was also paid to the methodical aspect of the revival and preservation of historical memory by Professor M. P. Kovalskyi, which was very broad, including the study of historical chronology, museology, historiography, source studies, historical heuristics, and historical bibliography. Conclusions. Professor M. P. Kovalskyi was made a great contribution to the revival and preservation of the historical memory of Ukrainians about the Cossack period of Ukrainian history, actively involving young scientists, postgraduates and students in this process, which resulted in the formation and formation of a scientific school on source study the history of Ukraine in the ХVІ–ХVІІІ centuries. Practical meaning. The material of this article may be interesting in the process of preparing students and postgraduates, preparing theses. Scientific novelty. The research has actualized a variety of primary sources, insufficiently researched the perspective of the creative activity of Professor M. P. Kovalskyi.
Мета дослідження полягає в тому, щоб розглянути відродження і збереження історичної памяті у творчому доробку М
Ковальського, було непростою задачею істориків з погляду на суттєві впливи тодішньої ідеології та політики
Збірник наукових праць на пошану професора Миколи Павловича Ковальського з нагоди 70-річчя
Мета дослідження полягає в тому, щоб розглянути відродження і збереження історичної памяті у творчому доробку М. Саме цей історіографічний час збігається з діяльністю знаного українського історика-джерелознавця, доктора історичних наук, професора Миколи Павловича Ковальського, про якого його учениця С. Збірник наукових праць на пошану професора Миколи Павловича Ковальського з нагоди 70-річчя» (Острог; НьюЙорк, 1999), «Микола Павлович Ковальський.
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