
From the viewpoint of classical electrodynamics, we identify the role of spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in spin Hall effect (SHE) of light. We introduce a distinct separation between spin and orbital angular momenta to clarify the spin–orbital interaction in conventional beam refraction. We demonstrate that the refractive index gradient can enhance or suppress the spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion, and thus can control the SHE of light. We suggest that the metamaterial whose refractive index can be tailored arbitrarily may become a good candidate for amplifying or eliminating the SHE of light, and by properly facilitating the spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion the SHE may be enhanced dramatically. The transverse spatial shifts governed by the spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion, provide us a clear physical picture to clarify the role of refractive index gradient in the SHE of light. These findings provide a pathway for modulating the SHE of light and can be extrapolated to other physical systems.

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