The spine is one of the most important structures in the human body, serving to support the body, organs, protect nerves, etc. Medical image segmentation for the spine can help doctors in their clinical practice for rapid decision making, surgery planning, skeletal health diagnosis, etc. The current difficulty is mainly the poor segmentation accuracy of skeletal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images. To address the problem, we propose a spine MRI image segmentation method, Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP)-U-shaped network (UNet), which combines an ASPP structure with a U-Net network. This approach improved the network feature extraction by introducing an ASPP structure into the U-Net network down-sampling structure. The medical image segmentation models are trained and tested on publicly available datasets and obtained the Dice coefficient and Mean Intersection over Union coefficients with 0.866 and 0.755, respectively. The experimental results show that ASPP-UNet has higher accuracy for spine MRI image segmentation compared with other mainstream networks.
Published Version
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