1) Figure 1 shows a system S consisting of a main body. B, and four antennas Ar (r = 1, ...,4). B is a rigid body having three (in general) unequal principal moments of inertia. Ar (r = 1,... ,4) are slender rigid bodies. That is, Ar possesses a central axis, Lr, such that the mass center, Ar*, of Ar lies on Lr; the moments of inertia of Ar about all lines passing through Ar* and normal to Lr are equal to each other; and the moment of inertia of Ar about Lr is negligible. Ar (r = 1,...,4) are attached to B at points Pr (r = 1,...,4) whose coordinates relative to X±, X2, X3, the principal axes of inertia of B for the mass center B* of B, are respectively (Rlt 0, #3), (Ri, R2> 0), (Rl9 0, -R3), (Rlt -R2, 0). The connection between Ar and B is effected by means of a revolute joint, a linear torsional spring, and a linear, viscous, torsional damper. The orientations of the axes of the joints, the spring constants, and the damping constants associated with these connections are given in Table 1, as are the distance from Pr to Ar*, the mass of Ar, and the moment of inertia of Ar about any line passing through Ar* and normal to Lr. Body B has a mass m and a moment of inertia Bt about Xt (i = 1, 2, 3). The system has four internal degrees of freedom. As we shall be concerned with motions during which the angles between Lr (r = 1,... ,4) and X1 remain constant, we use as generalized coordinates, qr (r = 1,... ,4), the radian measures of the deviations of the angles between Lr and X1 during a general motion from the constants values of interest, denoting the latter by a in the case of Al and A3, and by /I for A2 and A4, as indicated in Fig. 1. If the springs at Pr ( r=l , . . . ,4) are undeformed when ot + qr (r = 1,3) and P + qr (r = 2,4) are equal to zero, the system of forces transmitted by B to Ar is then equivalent to a force whose line of action passes through Pr, together with a couple whose torque, Tr (r = 1,... ,4), is given by Table 1 System parameters
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