Spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid (SILL) is a different universal class from the Luttinger liquid. This difference results from the spin incoherence of the system when the thermal energy of the system is higher than the spin excitation energy. We consider one-dimensional spin-1 Bose gas in the SILL regime and investigate its spin-dependent many-body properties. In Tonks-Girardeau limit, we are able to write down the general wave functions in a harmonic trap. We numerically calculate the spin-dependent (spin-plus, minus, and zero) momentum distributions in the sector of zero magnetization which allows us to demonstrate the most significant spin-incoherent feature compared to the spinless or spin-polarized case. In contrast to the spinless Bose gas, the momentum distributions are broadened and in the large momentum limit follow the same asymptotic $1/{p}^{4}$ dependence but with reduced coefficients. While the density matrices and momentum distributions differ between different spin components for small $N$, at large $N$ they approach each other. We show these by analytic arguments and numerical calculations up to $N=16$.
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