Silicon carbide (SiC) power integrated circuit (IC) technology allows monolithic integration of 600V lateral SiC power MOSFETs and low-voltage SiC CMOS devices. It enables application-specific SiC ICs with high power output and work under harsh (high-temperature and radioactive) environments compared to Si power ICs. This work presents the device characteristics, SPICE modeling, and SiC CMOS circuit demonstrations of the first two lots of the proposed SiC power IC technology. Level 3 SPICE models are created for the high-voltage lateral power MOSFETs and low-voltage CMOS devices. SiC ICs, such as the SiC CMOS inverter and ring oscillator, have been designed, packaged, and characterized. Proper operations of the circuits are demonstrated. The effects of the trapped interface charges on the characteristics of SiC MOSFETs and SiC ICs are also discussed.
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