
Although intrauterine insemination is a widely used assisted reproductive technique there is no consensus on sperm parameters that affect the probability of pregnancy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether semen parameters affect intrauterine insemination success. A total of 403 couples (345 negative pregnancies, and 58 positive pregnancy) that underwent 549 intrauterine insemination treatment cycles for heterogenous indications were included in the study. Clomiphen citrate, letrazole and/or gonadotropins were used for ovarian stimulation in women in this study. The spermiogram tests of the spouse of receiving IUI tretment were examined. Clinical pregnancy occurred in 58 of 549 intrauterine insemination (10.56%). Unexplained infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, and cervical-tubal factors were higher in positive pregnancy group compared to negative pregnancy group while male factor was more prevalant in negative pregnancy group comparison to positive pregnancy group (p=0.03). There was no statistical difference between women with positive and negative pregnancy in terms of age (≤ 35 and > 35), body mass index, infertility type, infertility time, endometrial thickness on HCG day, stimulation protocol, cycle numbers, number of insemination, estradiol, prolactin, LH, FSH, and TSH levels (p>0.05). The sperm characteristics in males [ejaculate volum, sperm concentration, total sperm count, motility, immotility, and total progressive motile sperm count] did not significantly differed between positive and negative pregnancy groups (p>0.05).
 Briefly, the present study found that the conception probability of intrauterine insemination did not correlate with the spermiogram parameters.

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