
The paper presents a novel adaptive speed – rotor flux linkage observer for sensorless field oriented control of induction generators. The proposed solution is based on Matsuse observer structure to- gether with specially designed correction terms and utilize current measurement and calculated stator volt- ages for real-time flux and speed reconstruction. A special coordinate transformation is used to avoid non- linear parametrization in the right side of flux linkages differential equations. Adaptive observer is designed in two steps: at the first step nonadaptive flux linkage observer is designed under condition of speed meas- urement; at the second step adaptive to rotor speed version of the flux linkage observer is designed. Infor- mation about rotor speed for adaptive flux observer is calculated by developed speed observer. A second Lyapunov’s method together with adaptive control theory are utilized for observer’s correction terms synthe- sis and stability proof. Designed adaptive observer under persistence of excitation conditions guarantees local exponential estimation of constant rotor speed and flux linkage vector components of induction ma- chine. From the practical point of view persistency excitation conditions are met if rotor flux linkages are nonzero. Proposed solution investigated by simulations. It is shown, that developed adaptive speed observer provides asymptotic estimation of induction motor currents, speed and flux linkage components under con- stant speed conditions. For varying speed proposed observer provides estimation of required variables with a small dynamic error. Proposed observer can be used in energy generation systems based on induction generators as well as in sensorless induction motor-based drive systems with constant or slowly varying ro- tor speed.

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