
All the pure rotational transitions reported in the previous studies [J. Chem. Phys. 113, 10121 (2000); J. Mol. Spectrosc. 222, 22 (2003)] and newly observed rotation-vibration transitions, P = 1/2 <-- 3/2, for Ar-SH and Ar-SD [J. Chem. Phys. (2005), the preceding paper] have been simultaneously analyzed to determine a new intermolecular potential-energy surface of Ar-SH in the ground state. A Schrodinger equation considering the three-dimensional freedom of motion for an atom-diatom complex in the Jacobi coordinate, R, theta, and r, was numerically solved to obtain energies of the rovibrational levels using the discrete variable representation method. A three-dimensional potential-energy surface is determined by a least-squares fitting with initial values of the parameters for the potential obtained by ab initio calculations at the RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory. The potential well reproduces all the observed data in the microwave and millimeter wave regions with parity doublings and hyperfine splittings. Several low-lying rovibrational energies are calculated using the new potential-energy surface. The dependence of the interaction energy between Ar and SH(2pi(i)) on the bond length of the SH monomer is discussed.

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