
We have analysed high-resolution spectra of 28 A and 22 F stars in the Kepler field, observed with the FIES spectrograph at the Nordic Optical Telescope. We provide spectral types, atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances for 50 stars. Balmer, Fe I, and Fe II lines were used to derive effective temperatures, surface gravities, and microturbulent velocities. We determined chemical abundances and projected rotational velocities using a spectrum synthesis technique. Effective temperatures calculated by spectral energy distribution fitting are in good agreement with those determined from the spectral line analysis. The stars analysed include chemically peculiar stars of the Am and Lambda Boo types, as well as stars with approximately solar chemical abundances. The wide distribution of projected rotational velocity, Vsini, is typical for A and F stars. The microturbulence velocities obtained are typical for stars in the observed temperature and surface gravity ranges. Moreover, we affirm the results of Niemczura et al., that Am stars do not have systematically higher microturbulent velocities than normal stars of the same temperature.

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