
The nature of the interaction in the EuF3-CeF3 system in the process of high-temperature (1050 °C) oxidation - reduction reaction was established by the methods of IR transmission spectroscopy, diffuse reflection spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. Here is a significant bathochromic shift to 480-485 nm band of blue luminescence of Eu(II) - containing phases, due to the 5d–4f electronic transitions, as well as the manifestation of orange-red luminescence of Eu(III) - containing phases due to 4f–4f electronic transitions in the range of 590–690 nm. There is a bathochromic shift of the IR bandwidth in the spectrum of the solidified salt melt as a result of dissolution of the fluoride system. Diffuse reflection spectra reveal changes in the composition of the phases that dissolve in the salt melt due to exchange reactions. The wide absorption band in the UV range gives way to a negative absorption band consisting of two peaks due to luminescence. The almost complete disappearance of the band of 4f–4f transitions in Eu(III) in the near-IR range of the spectrum is evidence of its entire reduction in the chloride melt to Eu(II). The character of the luminescence spectra of solidified salt melts also changes in comparison with the initial sample of the EuF3-CeF3 system, namely, the luminescence band of Ce3+ ions disappears, and the luminescence band of Eu2+ ions at 430–440 nm becomes narrow and highly intensive. The luminescence band of Eu3+ ions in the orange-red region of the spectrum disappears completely. Thus, Eu2+ ions become dominant in the formation of the spectral picture of the solidified salt melt, which is evidence of the completion of the redox process in the system.

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