
The a 3Π0− , b 3Π2, and E 3Σ+ states of ZnAr have been characterized spectroscopically. The ZnAr 3ΠΩ van der Waals molecules were synthesized in a supersonic jet from metastable 3PJ Zn atoms produced by the laser vaporization of a Zn rod. High resolution rotational spectra of 11 vibrational bands were analyzed to obtain the spectroscopic constants. The ZnAr 3ΠΩ states were found to be intermediate between Hund’s cases (a) and (c), but closer to case (a). Spin–orbit calculations predict the location of the unseen 3Π0+,1 bound and 3Σ+0−,1 repulsive states. The Zn(4s5s)Ar(3Σ+) state is even more strongly bound than the analogous Hg(6s7s)Ar(3Σ+) state, and it is postulated that the Ar atom is inside the outer maximum of the Rydberg Zn(5s) orbital.

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