
AbstractWe performed spectroscopic and photometric analyses on the early B‐type LP Ori young stellar object located in the Orion Nebula. The high‐resolution spectra of LP Ori was obtained at the Ankara University Kreiken Observatory in 2023, while all spectra recorded over the past 19 years were extracted from the ESO and ESPaDOnS archives. In these spectra of LP Ori, there is typically an emission observed in the core of the Balmer profile. This structure is accompanied by a 14‐year interval inverse P‐Cygni repetition superimposed on the Balmer profile. Additionally, an emission in the 5,875 He I line is visible in the spectra in the year 2023. When this emission is considered together with the inverse P‐Cygni structures, these observations suggest that LP Ori is a Herbig Ae/Be star. The abundance pattern of LP Ori is close to solar with the exception of a slightly rich helium and slightly poor aluminum abundance. Additionally, the spectral energy distribution of LP Ori was constructed to confirm the infrared excess caused by its circumstellar disk. Furthermore, the photometric analysis performed on the TESS observations of LP Ori shows significant photometric variability and the frequency analysis reveals a Cephei star in its forthcoming evolution.

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