
Before and after hatching, light microscopic and ultrastructural observations of spectrin were performed immunohistochemically in the chicken bursa of Fabricius. Before hatching, the frequency of spectrin-positive cells was very low. Among the spectrin-positive cells spectrin was mostly detected in patchy or diffuse form in the cytoplasm and rarely seen at surface membranes. Although cortical lymphocytes were spectrin-negative, numerous medullary lymphocytes were spectrin-positive after hatching. In the medullary spectrin-positive cells, staining intensity was uniform. Spectrins showed ultrastructural heterogeneity after hatching. Although a new type of spectrin localization associated with surface membranes was observed, this type of spectrin localization was not prominent. The increased number of spectrin-positive cells, uniform staining intensity and the localization of spectrin associated with surface membranes seem to coincide with B cell differentiation.

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