
This paper develops two spectrally efficient orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based multicarrier transmission schemes: a scheme with message-driven idle subcarriers (MC-MDIS) and another with message-driven strengthened subcarriers (MC-MDSS). The basic idea in MC-MDIS is to carry part of the information, which is named carrier bits, through an idle subcarrier selection while regularly transmitting the ordinary bits on all the other subcarriers. When the number of subcarriers is much larger than the adopted constellation size, higher spectral and power efficiency can be achieved compared with OFDM. The reason is that each idle subcarrier carries more bits than a regular symbol, with no power consumption. Moreover, the existence of idle subcarriers can also decrease possible intercarrier interference between their neighboring subcarriers. In MC-MDSS, the idle subcarriers are replaced by strengthened subcarriers, which, unlike idle subcarriers, can carry both carrier bits and ordinary bits. Therefore, MC-MDSS achieves even higher spectral efficiency than MC-MDIS. Both theoretical analysis and numerical results are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed schemes.

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