
Although fluorescein is a widely used fluorescent probe in the biosciences, the effect of solvent environment on its spectral properties is poorly understood. In this paper we explore the use of fluorescein as a probe of the state of hydrogen bonding in its local environment. This application is based on the observation, originally made by Martin (Chem. Phys. Lett. 35, 105-111, 1975), that the absorption maximum of fluorescein undergoes substantial shifts in organic solvents related to the hydrogen bonding power of the solvents. We have extended this work by studying the spectral properties of the dianion form of the probe in solvent-water mixtures. We show that the magnitude of the shift correlates with the alpha and beta parameters of Kamlet and Taft (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 98, 377-383; 2886-2894, 1976), which provide a scale of the hydrogen bond donor acidities and acceptor basicities, respectively, of the solvents. In solvent-water mixtures, these shifts reflect general effects of the solvents on the hydrogen bonding environment of the fluorescein through water-solvent hydrogen bonding and specific effects due to fluorescein-solvent hydrogen bonding. Indeed, both the absorption and fluorescence properties appear to be dominated by these effects indicating that the spectral shifts of the dianion can be used as an indicator of its hydrogen bonding environment. We discuss the application of fluorescein as a probe of hydrogen bonding in the microenvironment immediately surrounding the fluorophore, and we illustrate the effect with reference to the fluorescein-antifluorescein antibody complex where it appears that antibodies selected during the immune response possess binding sites that are increasingly dehydrated and hydrophobic.

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