
Perturbation theory is used to compute the angular-intensity correlation function C(q, k|q(?), k(?)) = ?[I(q|k) - ?I(q|k)?][I(q(?)|k(?)) - ?I(q(?)|k(?))]? for p-polarized light scattered from a weakly rough, one-dimensional random metal surface. I(q|k) is the squared modulus of the scattering matrix for the system, and q , q(?) and k , k(?) are the projections on the mean scattering surface of the wave vectors of the scattered and the incident light, respectively. Contributions to C include (a) short-range memory effect and time-reversed memory effect terms, C((1)) ; (b) an additional short-range term of comparable magnitude C((10)) ; (c) a long-range term C((2)) ; (d) an infinite-range term C((3)) ; and (e) a new term C((1.5)) that along with C((2)) displays peaks associated with the excitation of surface polaritons. These new features arise when the factorization approximation is not made in calculating the correlation function C .

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