
The article considers the peculiarities of the structure of the cycle and the form of the Concerto for the Persian Ney with Orchestra «Toward That Endless Plain» by the modern Iranian-American composer of the XX–XXI centuries Reza Vali (b. 1952). It was found that the unusual structure and musical form of this Concert are manifested in the combination between traditional Western European principles of cycle composition with the principles of musical form each part that is characteristic of classical Iranian music. The cycle of the Concerto is three-part with additional sections. This model of a solo concerto has developed in the European musical tradition. However, due to the author’s program the structure of the cycle, in general, is extremely specific (Tavakkol, 2019: 271). It was found that the specifics of the structure of the cycle is the introduction of two additional sections, marked as “Prelude” (set out before Part I) and “Interlude” (placed between Parts II and III). It is established that each of the three parts and additional sections are set out in a peculiar form inherent in Iranian classical music: Parts I and III are composed in mosaic form, Part II is written in the form of nobats; “Prelude” and “Interlude” are created in Ternary form. It is revealed that the arched principle (the principle of symmetry) in the construction of the cycle is found between “Prelude” and “Interlude”, as well as between I and III parts. The alternation of tempo characteristics of the parts is revealed in the general composition of the cycle. The I and III parts have a slow tempo and the II part has a fast. (this kind of contrast between parts is not typical for the genre of a solo concert of Western European music). Two principles in the organization of the composition cycle and the form of individual parts are highlighted. It is proved that R. Vali’s choice of a specific composition of the cycle, the form of parts and additional sections, as well as the use of tempo of each part, is due to the concert program, which is a kind of interpretation of the meaning contained in the poem by S. Sepehri. The music of the work is closely connected with the program. All parts of the Concerto have titles in Persian and English, which are based on the postulates of mystical philosophy and Sufism. Prelude and Interlude, which are associated with images of the material world – aggression and war. In comparison with the saturated, solid sound of the Prelude and Interlude, the delicate sparsity of the three main parts of the cycle are meant to reveal the spiritual life of humanity (Tavakkol, 2020: 113–117).


  • 186 Проблеми взаємодії мистецтва, педагогіки та теорії і практики освіти, Вип. 59 сучасної музики

  • Цій же проблемі присвячена її ж стаття «Концепція Dastgāh в сучасній іранській художній музиці: міжкультурний підхід в “Долі” для тріо флейт Реза Валі» (Heinrich, 2017)

  • The article considers the peculiarities of the structure of the cycle and the form of the Concerto for the Persian Ney with Orchestra «Toward That Endless Plain» by the modern Iranian-American composer of the XX–XXI centuries Reza Vali (b. 1952)

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186 Проблеми взаємодії мистецтва, педагогіки та теорії і практики освіти, Вип. 59 сучасної музики. А саме – його Концерт для перського нея з оркестром «На шляху до цієї нескінченної рівнини». Аналіз структури циклу і музичної форми кожної частини обраного Концерту дає можливість виявити специфіку роботи композитора з матеріалом, особливості жанрового рішення та наблизитись до розуміння симфонічної творчості Р.

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