
According to the 2011 Census, Vojvodina has the population of 1,931,809 which is by 100,183 less than in 2002. Vojvodina has fewer inhabitants today than in 1971. This decrease in number of inhabitants, according to the latest census, occurred in all municipalities except in the City of Novi Sad, where the population annually increased by 4,703. The main objective of this paper was to analyze the movement of population between two censuses, focusing on the specifics of population movements in certain areas of Vojvodina. First of all, the area of the North Banat should be pointed out because there the population has been steadily declining since 1961. On the other hand, the South Backa area records a steady increase in population in the period from the World War Two to the present, mainly due to the mechanical movement or immigration to the center of this area - the City of Novi Sad. In addition to the population decline, the population of Vojvodina is characterized by higher average age. The last census showed that the population of all municipalities was, on average, older than 40, except in the municipality of Zabalj (39.7) and the City of Novi Sad (40.0). Analysis of the data has shown that the trend of the population decline in Vojvodina, caused by very high mortality rates and low birth rates, continues and that the age structure of population is becoming less favorable.

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