
The influence of substituting Ce with La in the Kondo compoundCeCu5In has been investigated using x-ray diffraction, specific heat(Cp), electricalresistivity (ρ(T)), magnetoresistivity (MR) and thermoelectric power (TEP) measurements.Cp ofCeCu5In andthe (Ce1−xLax)Cu5In alloys shows enhanced values at low temperatures. Between 10 and 20 K the equationCp/T = γconv+βT2 fits the data forall alloys with γconv scaling linearly with Ce concentration. Below 10 K a pronounced upturn inCp values occurs. Susceptibility data above 100 K follow the Curie–Weiss relation and give effective momentμeff values in fair agreementwith that of a Ce3+-ion. The ρ(T) studies illustrate the evolution from Kondo lattice to single-ion Kondo behaviour with increase in La contentin the (Ce1−xLax)Cu5In alloy series. MR measurements on Ce dilute alloys are interpreted withinthe single-ion Bethe ansatz description and values of the Kondo temperatureTK are calculated. A compressible Kondo lattice model has been used to describe the decrease inTK and inTmρ (the temperature atwhich a maximum in ρ(T) occurs for the coherent dense Kondo alloys) with decrease in Ce concentration for these alloys.The TEP is positive and shows a maximum at approximately 45 K for several investigated(Ce1−xLax)Cu5In alloys.

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