
In general, it is assumed that generalist natural enemies do not innately use specific cues for the location of their host or prey species. This hypothesis was tested using naïve females of the generalist parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendus Förster and two of its hosts, larvae of the lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and of the granary weevil Sitophilus granarius L., feeding in wheat grains. In a four-chamber olfactometer, female parasitoids were attracted to volatiles emanating from the feces of both host species. Chemical analysis of the volatiles from the feces of R. dominica revealed the presence of dominicalure 1 and 2, the species specific aggregation pheromones of R. dominica. The main compounds in the volatiles from feces of S. granarius were identified as chemicals related to mites that are associated with hosts of L. distinguendus. Because these mites are not specific for S. granarius but also co-occur with other hosts, the mite chemicals have to be considered as general cues. In bioassays, synthetic dominicalure was attractive to naïve L. distinguendus, explaining the attraction of feces volatiles from R. dominica. Synthetic mite chemicals and sitophilate, the aggregation pheromone of S. granarius, had no effect on naïve parasitoids. It remains to be determined which innate chemical cues from feces of S. granarius are used by L. distinguendus. In contrast to our initial hypothesis, the generalist L. distinguendus is innately using specific cues for foraging. Two ideas are provided to explain this result.

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