
The beetle data in Suranadi Nature Park is still limited to species that move on the ground. This study aims to analyze: (1) the species richness of the arboreal beetle, and (2) its potential as a science learning resource in elementary schools. This type of research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. Sampling was carried out on the type of habitat in Suranadi Nature Park, namely the forest area with rice fields and residential areas, air flow and the middle with a dense canopy. The collected samples were identified to determine the species. The richness of this species data is then analyzed qualitatively to determine its potential as a source of science learning in elementary schools. This is done by comparing the species richness data of beetles and elementary thematic books, then the topics are assessed according to their level. The results showed that the species richness of arboreal beetles in Suranadi Nature Park consisted of 19 species from 5 families. The species are Lema sp., Aulacophora similis, Aulacophora quadrimaculata, Aulocophora sp.1, Aulocophora sp.2, Aulocophora sp.3, Aulocophora sp.4, Aulocophora sp.5 Parchicola sp., Podontia sp., Altica cyanea and Lilioceris sp. (family Chrysomelidae), Mimela sp., Mimela langbianica (Rutelidae), Exopholis hypoleuca, Ontophagus taurus, Protaetia fruhstorferi (Scarabaeidae) and Leptura sp. (family Cerambycidae). This arboreal beetle species data may be used as a source for elementary science learning on 33 sub-themes. Of this number, there are two sub-themes that have very appropriate categories, namely Sub-theme 2 The diversity of living things in my environment and Sub-theme 1 Components of the ecosystem.


  • Kumbang (Insekta: Coleoptera) merupakan kelompok fauna yang paling beranekaragam di bumi

  • This study aims to analyze: (1) the species richness of the arboreal beetle, and (2) its potential as a science learning resource in elementary schools

  • The results showed that the species richness of arboreal beetles in Suranadi Nature Park consisted of 19 species from 5 families

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Bahan dan Metode

Penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif ini dilaksanakan di TWA Suranadi (Gambar 1). Adapun artikel yang digunakan mencakup artikel hasil penelitian tentang kumbang di Pulau Lombok, Pulau Bali, negara tetangga Singapura, dan kawasan Lesser Sunda Islands (Beitr & Serie, 2008; Fikacek et al, 2012; Jäch et al, 2013; Löbl, 2015; Riedel et al, 2014; Yokoi, 2015). Data kekayaan spesies yang didapatkan dari proses identifikasi ini kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait potensinya sebagai sumber belajar sains pada peserta didik di SD. Data terkait kekayaan spesies dikomparasikan dengan dokumen berupa buku tematik yang digunakan di SD. Topik-topik potensial yang diperoleh melalui komparasi ini dinilai oleh tiga orang dosen pendidikan sains untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian antara data hasil penelitian kekayaan spesies kumbang dengan topik-topik potensial tersebut

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