
The article presents materials on the study of herbivorous pests of Medicago in Fergana Valley from the order Homoptera, their species composition, the most harmful species of the EuscelisBrullé genus, their food relations, biological characteristics, harmfulness, features of development phases, their natural enemies were noted. It has been determined that the Cicadellidae family occupies a special place among the Homoptera; it is ecologically associated with various biotopes and plays an important role in agrobiocenosis. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the species of Homoptera, in particular cicadas, are characterized by complex bioecological features, highly specialized and well adapted for living in Fergana Valley. The studies are of practical importance, since some species of cicadas: Euscelis lineolata Brullé, Euscelis plebeius (Fallén)are pests of Medicago. The author revealed the harmfulness of cicada species found on Medicago, which is as follows: Insects suck juices from the vascular bundles of roots, stems, leaf veins and from leaf cells. They inflict wounds on the vegetative parts of the plant with their ovipositor during oviposition. Some species transmit viral plant diseases.

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