We show that an everywhere regular foliation $\mathcal F$ with compact canonically polarized leaves on a quasi-projective manifold $X$ has isotrivial family of leaves when the orbifold base of this family is special. By a recent work of Berndtsson, Paun and Wang, the same proof works in the case where the leaves have trivial canonical bundle. The specialness condition means that the $p$-th exterior power of the logarithmic extension of its conormal bundle does not contain any rank-one subsheaf of maximal Kodaira dimension $p$, for any $p>0$. This condition is satisfied, for example, in the very particular case when the Kodaira dimension of the determinant of the Logarithmic extension of the conormal bundle vanishes. Motivating examples are given by the `algebraically coisotropic' submanifolds of irreducible hyperk\ahler projective manifolds.
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