
During studies of the cemeteries of Ulvivok-Rovantsi type, which are located in the South-Western of Volhynia region and can be dated back to X–VIII centuries BC, several very specific vase-shaped vessels were found. According to its scarcity, originality of the form and the absence of analogies among preceding, and chronologically synchronous and territorially close archaeological cultures, they can be considered as a certain “phenomenon” in the circle of sites from the final Bronze Age – beginning of the Early Iron Age in the interfluve of Prypyat, Vistula and Dnister Rivers. Similar ceramic ware is known from burials and places of worship in Crete during final part of Early Minoan period and the culture of Pannonian inlaid ceramics from the Early Bronze Age in the Middle Danube region. They could be a prototype for the ancient Greek lydions – special, rather rare ceramic ware for storing of valuable aromatic substances. The lydions were distributed mostly over the east of Aegean world, in particular on Crete, and used during marriage ceremonies and also were placed into burials. It is possible that lydions were used during worship ceremonies of Demeter – the chthonic goddess of fertility, marriage and the dead that appeared, as considered, in Crete during pre-Minoan period. Lidions, as well as kernoses (other ritual ware), were probably used for the libation during the cult ceremonies like Eleusinian mysteries. Taking into account the widespread of Demeter's worship during Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, not only in the territory of Aegean, but also far beyond its borders (it is evidenced by the finds of kernoses in Central, Eastern and Western Europe), it can be hypothesized that there were some form of this cult among population of South-Western Volhynia during Late Bronze Age, which is represented by ceramic ware, found on the cemeteries of Ulvivok-Rovantsi group, similar to the lydions, and possibly also by Ulvivok goblets. The issue of clarification of ways and directions of penetration of such cults from the Aegean and South-Eastern Balkans to Central and Eastern Europe and the level of their identity, taking into account considerable distances, diversity of cultures, ethnic groups and traditions remains subject to discussion. Later, when, perhaps, new similar discoveries will appear (preferably well-dated and located in undisturbed complexes), this hypothetical version can be confirmed or canceled. Key words: cemeteries of the Ulvivok-Rovantsi type, Crete, Minoan culture, culture of Pannonian inlaid ceramics, vase-lidion, Demeter cult, migration.

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